Sustainability at HypZert
We are clearly committed to a sustainable corporate management.
As Europe's largest certification body for real estate valuers, for HypZert this means not only the careful use of natural resources but also a responsible corporate management, sustainable products and services, happy and healthy employees and social commitment.
For us, sustainable management means combining business success with ecological and social responsibility.
HypZert certifications in themselves are sustainable products as they ensure the long-term quality of mortgage lending valuations, ensure the continuous further professional training of certificate holders and support sustainable and crisis-proof financing of real estate.
Our sustainability standards are regularly reviewed and adjusted. Targets and measures are updated annually.
Objectives and measures according to sustainability fields
Sustainable corporate governance
- Strengthen company-wide digitisation and optimisation of processes
- Further development of the digital workplace
- Stakeholder dialogue
- Extending international recognition
Operational measures
Already implemented:
- Technical introduction Office 365
- Taking minutes of examinations digitally
- Introduction to the contents of Office 365
- Initialisation of a stakeholder dialogue
Sustainable products and services
- Maintaining high quality standards
- Establish sustainable value
Operational measures
- Consistent alignment of our products to the concept of sustainability
- Review of UNECE’s “Political Framework for Sustainable Real Estate Markets” for relevance and applicability for HypZert valuers
- Support in setting up certification bodies in other countries
- Support for the objectives of the “Green Pfandbrief”
Responsibility for HypZert Valuers
- High satisfaction of our certified valuer
Operational measures
Already implemented:
- Consistent expansion of services for our customers
- Conduct regular and systematic surveys of HypZert valuers
- Regular information on the website, via newsletter and social media
- Programmes for different groups within the HypZert valuers (junior staff programme, alumni)
- Implementation of a dual course of study (B.A. degree)
Responsibility for employees
- Very good health of the employees
- High standard of qualification of employees; In-house training, further education and employee development
- High employee satisfaction
- Low fluctuation rates
Operational measures
Already implemented:
- Already implemented:
- Flexible working time models
- Continuing training measures
- Ergonomic workstations with height-adjustable desks, adjustable office chairs and ergonomic mouse pads
- Women in management positions
- Yoga
- Fruit basket
- Gym shoes for employees as a health-promoting measure at physically demanding events
- Development programmes for executives and project managers
- HypZert as a training company
Resource management
- Increasing the use of renewable energies
- Reduce consumption of electricity, water and raw materials
- Reduce the number of business trips
- Raising awareness and education of employees about resource-conserving behaviour in the workplace
Operational measures
Already implemented:
- Paperless invoice dispatch and predominant correspondence
- Valuation reports to be submitted online only
- Travel allowance for employees / rail cards for employees
- Support of e-mobility for employees (e-bike grants, charging facilities)
- Regional selection of beverages in glass bottles
- Switch to green electricity provider
- Climate-neutral printing for all print products or CO2 compensation
- When purchasing equipment, pay attention to ecological aspects and the corresponding eco-labels
- Increased use of video conferencing
- Application for initial certification in digital form
- Digitise minutes of oral exams
- New recertification model with significantly better eco-balance
Engagement in der Gesellschaft
- Expansion and continuation of social commitment
- Support for social projects in the region
Operational measures
- Support DKMS donor action (bone marrow donor database)
- Donations to social institutions
- Donations of money and goods to preschools